Welcome to the Cambridge region home page of the Open University Psychological Society.
Welcome to the Cambridge region home page of the Open University Psychological Society.
We run events for OUPS members in Cambridge and the surrounding area. But of course everyone is welcome to attend no matter where they live. We aim to provide opportunities for OUPS members to broaden their experience of psychological topics and to mix with OUPS members and others with interest in psychology. OUPS Cambridge is run by volunteers who are current or former OU psychology students. If you would like to volunteer to support our events, please do get in touch on cambridge@oups.org.uk.
At COUPS we try and offer a range of different events to suit everyone, whatever stage you are at in your studies. In previous years we have run module overview days, methods days, pub socials and day conferences.
We have recently held our AGM, where we were delighted to elect Rebeca Denness as out new Chair, plus we have been joined by 2 new committee members, so we will soon be meeting to plan our programme of events for the coming year. We are already planning some face-to-face events on several modules to help support you in your studies, but do let us know if you have any ideas of what we could run for you.
We hope to see you soon at a COUPS event!
2023/2024 COUPS Committee:
Chair: Rebecca Denness
Secretary: Diane Michelson
Treasurer: Kate Papageorgiou
Committee members: Alan Pechey, Denise Ward, Farah Hina
Consultant/advisor: Lorna Rouse
Please get in touch at: cambridge@oups.org.uk