Welcome to the London & South region of the Open University Psychological Society
The London Region is a very active region, running course overview days, conferences and social events. We run these events to support students in their studies and to facilitate networking opportunities. We believe that it is important for LOUPS to run a range of events since a large number of OUPS members are in the region and London is also accessible to many international students.
While many of them run in London, LOUPS has also recently held events in Crawley, Basingstoke, Brighton, Plymouth, Cheltenham, Manchester and Glasgow.
London OUPS currently runs Module Overview days, an Annual One-day Conference, various seminars and a number of popular pub social events. We hope to meet many of you at these and are currently working on the programme of events for the coming year - watch this space for details of all our events.
London & South (LOUPS)
Team & Contact details
The LOUPS team are Amada Udres (Chair), David Byrne (Treasurer), and Sonya Wren (Secretary).
For further information about London OUPS, or to make enquiries about our events, please e-mail us at info@loups.org.uk.
We have an electronic mailing list of interested students which allows us to keep you up to date with what is happening in LOUPS so that you get early warning of events and dates. If you would like to be added to this please sign up at this link. You should then ensure that LOUPS is one of the options selected.
The 2020 LOUPS AGM was held in The Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE, 54 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ on March 14th 2020. Minutes are available here LOUPS AGM Minutes 2020.
London OUPS Events
Annual One-day Conference
Every year LOUPS holds a one day conference on a particular topic in psychology, inviting top psychologists in the field to talk on their specific area. These conferences have a reputation for attracting speakers of international standing and are attended by a range of delegates including undergraduates, graduates, academics and practitioners. The Conference is open to anybody who has an interest in the particular topic and not just to Open University students and tutors.
The aim of the Conference is to provide delegates with the opportunity to hear a number of experts in the field presenting up to date research on a specific area of psychology. We hold the Conference in March, every year, and our preferred venue is The Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE, 54 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ.
After a great "Technology and Psychology" Conference in 2020, LOUPS volunteers are currently working on the programme for 2021, though following the 2019 "Beast from the East" and the 2020 "COVID-19 pandemic" we may consider moving away from a March date !
It's the time of the year where we should be looking forward to the next LOUPS Pub Social, but in the light of the current pandemic, LOUPS have moved online ! We've offered a range of events, from talks to study days, and we'd love to see you at one of them.
So far we've held:
May 2021 - DE200 Revision Day
March 2021 - Pub Social - Love and robots
February 2021 - DE100 Research and Essential Skills
February 2021 - DE100 Learning and Biological Psychology
November 2020 - Pub Social - From Social Cognition to Social Robots (and back again!)
August 2020 - Conference: Social psychology today
July 2020 - Pub Social - Mindful stress management
July 2020 - Becoming a Clinical or Counselling Psychologist
June 2020 - Pub Social - Hidden CSI effect? Face mapping: a cause of forensic mis-identification
June 2020 - 'Where did it all go wrong?' A career in human factors.
May 2020 - Pub Social - Sex-linked serial killers (Part 2)
Our pricing reflects the fact that we can't include the usual free drink but please bring your own and come along to join us !
Our pricing reflects the fact that we can't include the usual free drink but please bring your own and come along to join us !
Module Study Days
These intensive days cover a number of courses in separate streams, providing an overview of the entire course in each. These sessions gives the advantage of understanding the framework of the course and being mindful of what to concentrate on for TMAs and exam. They are aimed at students already studying the courses covered, irrespective of whether they are ahead or behind in the coursework schedule. Students say that these days are inspirational and packed with content, making them excellent value in terms of time and money.
Pub Evenings
Our pub social events typically consist of an informal chat over drinks followed by a (generally light-hearted but interesting) talk on an aspect of psychology from a guest speaker, and usually end up with further drinks or food. Watch for details on the Events page, we hope to see more of you than ever there this year.