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OUPS Team member


Dr Alan Pechey

The OUPS Treasurer duties include the following:

  1. Maintain a full set of accounts throughout the year and produce final accounts, utilising the services of a suitably qualified accountant.

  2. Check and pay promptly all OUPS bills and expenses claims. Unless exceptional circumstances dictate, all payments should be by cheque.

  3. Constantly monitor the financial situation and produce an up-to-date statement of Income and Expenditure for each Executive Meeting, this is necessary to enable the Executive to properly administer the affairs of the Society.

  4. Administer whatever bank accounts the Society holds, to ensure that he Society obtains maximum possible interest.

  5. Administer all other payment methods such as Paypal, credit/debit cards and any others that OUPS accepts as payment.

  6. Pay in all received cheques promptly, ensuring the allocation of income to appropriate analysis codes.

  7. Prepare an annual budget (for major expenditure at least), and revise as necessary throughout the year.

  8. Write a report each year for the AGM on the financial affairs of the Society.

  9. Complete necessary returns to OUSA (in connection with claiming the OUSA grant).

  10. Chase bad debtors (e.g. unsigned/returned cheques).

  11. With the Web Officer, act to ensure that OUPS meets its regulatory Data Protection obligations.

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