OUPS Team member

Secretary and Administration
Sarah Mortimer
The Secretary of OUPS performs duties such as:
Correspondence: Administer the Society's correspondence, keep records of correspondence and other important documents, deal with enquiries about the Society, and provide details for organisation individuals that ask for them.
Executive meetings: Organise time and place for meeting; prepare (contents agreed with the Chairperson) and distribute agenda for Executive meetings; ensure distribution of any other necessary papers (including previous minutes) for Executive meeting; provide minutes which record an accurate summary of any decision taken at Executive meetings, except where this would violate the confidentiality of third parties; ensure distribution of minutes to all Executive members at least two weeks in advance of the next meeting; maintain a file of minutes.
AGM: Organise time and place of AGM. Give notice to members of the AGM (and any other general meetings) in accordance with deadlines laid down in the Constitution; Invite nominations, motions and constitutional amendments; Ensure all necessary AGM documentation (Chair report, minutes and accounts) is available on website. Ensure that voting procedures are in place if necessary and relevant information, such as candidate profiles and motion wording, is available.
Liaise with regions to obtain their programme of events and to have up to date information on regional committee members.
Maintain an up-to-date list of all Executive members names and contact details and to make them available to all committee members.
Act as a signatory for Society cheques.
Website maintainence